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The Need for Cooperation Among Competitors in Microfinance: A Case for Long-Term Sustainability

In the competitive microfinance sector, where the demand for financial services far outweighs traditional access, institutions play a critical role in offering underserved populations the chance for f...

Customer protection in microfinance, Ethical lending practices, Fair pricing in microfinance, Financial inclusion, Microfinance interest rates, Microfinance sector integrity, Microfinance sustainability, RBI microfinance regulations, Responsible MFI practices, Sustainable microfinance growth

Ensuring Responsible Pricing in Microfinance: A Long-term View on Sustainability

In recent news from June 2024, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) highlighted a critical issue in the Indian microfinance sector: instances of micro lenders and non-bank financiers charging excessively h...

Consumer empowerment, Financial inclusion, The Role of Account Aggregators in India's Inclusion Journey, Account Aggregator network, banking sector, Credit access, Data control, Digital financial services, Transparency, Technology infrastructure, Tegulatory environment, Financial opportunities

The Role of Account Aggregators in India's Inclusion Journey

India's financial landscape is on the brink of a major transformation with the introduction of the Account Aggregator (AA) network, a move that could potentially bring financial services within th...

Account Aggregator (AA) system, Consent-based data sharing, Consumer empowerment, Creditworthiness, Data privacy, Digital financial transactions, Financial ecosystem, Financial inclusion, Interoperable framework, Operational Account Aggregators, Personal data control, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Scalability

India's Account Aggregator Network: A Step Towards Simplified Financial Data Sharing

The Account Aggregator (AA) system in India represents a significant step towards enhancing financial inclusion and streamlining the process of sharing financial data among institutions with the conse...

Charter of Customer Rights, Consumer empowerment, Digital banking, Ethical treatment of consumers, Financial consumer protection, Financial inclusion, Grievance Redress and Compensation, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Right to Fair Treatment, Right to Privacy, Right to Suitability, Right to Transparency, Transparency in financial relationships

A Guide to Consumer Empowerment: The Role of RBI's Charter of Customer Rights

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) plays a pivotal role in safeguarding consumer interests in the banking and financial services sector. The RBI's Charter of Customer Rights stands as a testament to ...